The Path to K‑12 Recruiting, Hiring, and Retention Success 

Get proven tips for K‑12 recruiting, hiring, and retention success. This guide features stats, insights, and links to dive deeper.

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Get actionable tips and strategies for K‑12 staffing excellence

Drive toward K‑12 recruiting, hiring, and retention excellence with tips in our interactive guide to school and district staffing. It focuses on challenges specific to K‑12 HR professionals. Student success hinges on strong educators, and this guide covers proven ways to attract and retain high-quality teachers and staff members.  

While teaching and learning technology advances dominated education news headlines in recent years, investment in K‑12 HR tools hasn’t kept up in many districts. The ongoing nationwide teacher shortage, increasing resignations and retirements, and persistent student learning challenges demand effective strategies for recruiting, hiring, and retention.  

This K‑12 staffing guide equips HR professionals to:  

  • Make the case for K‑12 HR technology investment 
  • Implement proven hiring and retention strategies 
  • Amplify team efforts by digitizing processes 

Get these valuable takeaways and access to additional helpful resources.