Changes to LINQ Connect Student Linking
What is changing?
On December 6, all districts will have their student linking settings updated to require first name, last name, student ID, and date of birth. These fields will be required for everyone and cannot be changed.
Where can I find my student linking settings?
In Titan, navigate to Configuration > District > District Management > LINQ Connect. Scroll about halfway down on the page to Enable Student Linking.
Why is this happening?
LINQ takes information security seriously. We recognize that using fewer identifiers may make it easier for families to add their students, potentially reducing calls to your school office. However, adding students is typically a one-time activity, and this small additional step helps ensure the safety of student data.
Does this apply to staff linking as well?
No, this is just for students.
Parents often don’t know their student ID. How can I send this to them?
- Person Notification Letters: Districts can use the person notification letters in Titan to generate and email notices to guardians that contain student information
- Student information system: Many student information systems include built in functionality for messaging guardians with specific student data
My district doesn’t have one of the required fields in Titan. How will this be handled?
LINQ Connect will only validate against fields that actually exist. If your district does not have data for a particular identifier, it will be skipped.
What impact does this have on existing guardian users?
None. Anyone with students currently linked is not impacted.
What impact does this have on districts?
For districts already meeting the minimum standard, there is no impact. For those who are not meeting the minimum, their settings will be changed.