By Tim Clifford, Executive Chairman, LINQ
Welcome to the NEW LINQ. Today is a big day for our clients, our partners, our employees, and the entire K‑12 Education Market.
We all have a stake in K‑12 education. Here at LINQ, we are providing the solutions that empower K‑12 districts to run their business operations more efficiently—including their financials, nutrition (front and back of the house), payments and digital automation—keeping educators’ focus on providing the best possible education. We recognize the challenging years of Covid, the shrinking budgets, the difficulty in hiring and retaining teachers, bus drivers, and administrative support, the lead times and shortages of the nutrition supply chain, and the headwinds that administrators face every day is a drain on the K‑12 ecosystem. At the end of the day, helping districts and states maximize every dollar spent is a must-do—not a nice-to-have.
LINQ and its acquired companies have served K‑12 districts for decades, but today it is time for a change. You might know some of these brands (up to 16), such as Titan, Alio, Colyar, Scripts, and of course LINQ. To make it easier for our clients and prospects to do business, it’s time for us to unify all our brands under one LINQ. We want our clients, partners, prospects, and the market to better understand who we are, what we stand for, and how we help school districts with their K‑12 Business Operations.
Empowering the Business of K‑12
Not only do you notice a new look and feel to our website experience, but today we announce the industry’s first K‑12 Business Platform. Our integrated LINQ platform is purpose-built by K‑12 experts for K‑12 professionals. We are changing the way K‑12 leaders manage their business operations to an integrated experience. This includes how we sell, implement, and support the cloud solutions that power K‑12 districts’ nutrition supply chain, business back office of HR, Payroll, and Financials. This also includes the interactions and relationships with district parents and guardians through intuitive payments and the digital transformation across all K‑12 business operations.

A proper re-brand isn’t just about the look and feel of a website or a new logo. At LINQ, it’s about our transformation to an Insights Platform. Our journey will be a continuous one. One in which every employee at LINQ is dedicated to the success of our 4,400 school district clients and 37 state agencies, as well as new ones that we welcome as we continue to grow the LINQ family.
Our Promise
Ultimately, the market and our clients decide what our brand stands for to them. Our dedication to partnership with our clients and the focus of our expert teams on their behalf is a great place to continue our journey. Our dedication and expertise in building a fully integrated experience makes us a better partner for your schools.
The LINQ Icon
At LINQ, we are illuminators: proven experts who champion today’s K‑12 leaders and shine a light on the information they need. Our icon manifests the “Torch of Knowledge,” a centuries-old symbol for learning and education. The flame is elevated above a pie chart data point—a handle that highlights our foundation in information and represents our commitment to teamwork.

For those of you that are interested in the details of our brand attributes, the graphics, and the new look, see the LINQ Brand Guidelines.
For those of you that want to learn more about how LINQ’s K‑12 Business Platform can help your state or district, read on.